Posts by category
- Category: Books available on PDF format
- Quran text, translation and explanation by world renowned Islamic Scholar Syed Moudoodi.(Quran is word of God given to Prophet Muhammad through angel Gabriel.
- Sayings and doings of Prophet Muhammad are compiled and are called Hadith.
- Towards understanding Islam by Mowdoodi
- An illustrated guide to understanding Islam.
- The cross and the Crescent by Jerald Dirks.This covers interfaith dialogue.
- Izhar ul Haq PDF format written by Moulana Kairanvi.This book is the oldest and the first one written on interfaith dialogue in India.
- Jihad Fil Islam by Moudoodi(The book explains in detail what is concept of Jihad in Islam.
- Category: letter
- Category: questions and their replies
- Q1) Jesus in Bible is different than Jesus in Quran.
- 2) Jesus IS God, period.Muslims don’t believe him to be God so there is nothing common!
- Q3)what is the Islamic definition of God.
- Q4) Bible is inerrant word of God.
- Q5) Jesus didn’t call God Elaha, but Abba.
- Q6) How come Muhammad who came 600 year latter give an account of the time of Jesus and you say it is true and in Quran?
- Q7) Quran says Jesus was given gospel so why you don’t want to believe in this Bible which is Gospel given to Jesus.
- Q8)But the same God who preserved Quran as you say should also have preserved Gospel or Bible.
- Q9) Islam wants nothing less than annihilation of Jews!
- Q10) How can you say with proof Quran is true and unchanged word of God?
- Q11) was it not that when Quran was compiled in the time of Uthman there were many mistakes, therefore one version was framed and others destroyed.
- Q12) Jesus came for all people not just Jews see: Mathew 28:16-20.
- Q13) we follow biblical Christianity and you don’t so how can you be right?
- Q14) Have not you heard John 3:16.It is so clear.
- Q15) you say there are commonalities between Christianity and Islam but we see major differences.
- Q16) Old testament is the basis of all the Abrahamic faiths! meaning besides Judaism ,Christianity and Islam
- Q17) Your intention in this presenting of commonalities is to convert to your faith.
- Q18) Jesus died for your sins. Is it not easy for you to accept him and then enter kingdom rather than struggle in prayers and worry abut doing good deeds.etc.
- Q19) Why Muslims are critical of Paul?
- Q20) The crucifixion of Jesus is indisputable fact.
- Q21) what proof you have that Quran is the true unchanged word of God and why you don’t revise it to suit for the present times.
- Q22)How will you think standing in front of Jesus at the day of judgement if you didn’t believe him as we do?
- Q23:Islam bases itself on good deeds alone for salvation while christianity bases on forgivness by God(Jesus)
- Q24)Both Jews and Christians believe that it was Isaac that was offered for sacrifice while Muslims believe that it was Ismael.How can you support this.And the covenant was sealed with offer of sacrifice of Isaac.
- Q 26) What is Islam, tell in a paragraph.
- Q 27) What is Quran, please tell in a paragraph.
- Q28: Why do muslims have to pray 5 times a day ,why only once is not enough?
- Q29:Can you tell us some prayers from Quran which are authentic?
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Videos