Q1) Jesus in Bible is different than Jesus in Quran.

A) If Jesus in Bible is different than the Jesus in Quran then why what ever Jesus himself said is present in Quran and what he didn’t say himself is not in Quran.What you are saying is Biblical Christianity that the Christianity which is standing on Bible rather than...

Q4) Bible is inerrant word of God.

A) Bible has many errors identified by pastors and priests and others also. If Bible was inerrant it would not have to be revised every few decades by those human beings who are sinners(according to the definition of Bible, human is sinner)so how can a sinner human...

Q5) Jesus didn’t call God Elaha, but Abba.

A) Just before crucifixion time Jesus said “Eli Eli lema sabachthani” My God My God why have you forsaken me. Is Eli ELi sounding similar to Abba Abba or Yahweh Yahweh or God or God or Dios Dios or Ellah Ellah or Allah Allah.