A) Not quite, there are many scholars of Bible who have expressed their suspicion due to the confusion on his crucifixion. He himself said before his ascension “Just like Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of fish so shall son of man(i.e.himself, he didn’t say son of God)will be 3 days and 3 nights away in heart(means deep cave not a mole on earth which could be tomb) of earth. But the timeline of Jesus death is only 1 day and two night. Friday to Sunday morning. Jesus by comparing himself to Jonah tells loudly that I will not die but away from your site while being in “chest of the earth “SO if he didn’t die then where is the resurrection.?

A Harvard educated Methodist pastor Dr.Jerald Dirks wrote a book” The Messiah” available on Amazon.com analyzes the old manuscripts to prove it was not Jesus who was on cross but another person. Same position is taken by Quran.