A) Islam teaches us that at day of Judgement messengers of God will be standing with their followers. But an interesting statement needs to be analyzed. Jesus himself said before ascension about his second coming in Mathew 7:21-26.Here Jesus says people will come to me and say oh Master didn’t we not take out demons on your name and healed others. This they will say this to get favor from him. And I (Jesus) will say get away form me you lawless people I don’t even know you.
It is to be seen that the only people who will come to him will be Priests and Pastors who did this in his name. Yet he says you lawless people I don’t even know you. Why because they are not his flock(they are not jews as he said I came for none but the Jews)or why he says you lawless people? Or Is it because those Pastors or priests are not following
“Christ taught Christianity” but are following” Biblical Christianity”? You have to think about this.
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