Questions and their replies

QUESTIONS USUALLY ASKED By pastors/priests and their replies.

Q1) Jesus in Bible is different than Jesus in Quran.

A) If Jesus in Bible is different than the Jesus in Quran then why what ever Jesus himself said is present in Quran and what he didn’t say himself is not in Quran.What you are saying is Biblical Christianity that the Christianity which is standing on Bible rather than on teachings of Jesus.Bible was written by 40 authors and over 1500 years time and Bible includes in it the writings of Scribes,Historians,of Jesus of what he said or what God said through him.

2) Jesus IS God, period.Muslims don’t believe him to be God so there is nothing common!

A) In all honesty if Jesus is God then there is no justification for any other faith in the world. Because what can be greater than that. But problem is you can’ prove it because Jesus himself never said in clear sentence that I am God or worship me. Not even once. Surely Jesus knew that no prophet before him had claimed to be God so he had to say it and say it over and over! Because this was unique. But he didn’t on the contrary what he said God is only one.
Show me one sentence where Jesus himself said I am God or worship me. In clear sentence the examples people give that Jesus said I and the father are one, or who saw me has seen the father or no one goes to the father but through me. These are only explanations but not proof.
All the above points that are made are only explanations and not proof. Let me give you few examples, e.g I want to sell my house and you want to buy but you want to get an attorney involved to check if I really owned the house. I say no need. I lived in it for 30 years, I get mail in my name. I even have utility bills in my name and my kids born here have on their birth certs this address and I even renovated Kitchen. Is this proof? No this is explanation. could be right could be wrong.
Second example You tell my dad look your son drinks and when he asks you how you know you say I saw him 3 times in front of bar. Is this proof? May be I was there to pick up a friend or may be I was waiting for a bus to change. This is only explanation. Proof would be if I say I drink or breath test is positive or the person who gave me wine to drink saw me drinking.
3rd example. A black man comes to clean lawn of a while lady in rural American but one day the lady got raped and killed. Police is collecting evidence and a man says that I saw that black man rushing out in a car right after the time of murder. Is it proof .No because after 10 years another criminal was found and confirmed on DNA test that the first one who was executed was innocent. Our history is full of such stories, read annals of law.

Q4) Bible is inerrant word of God.

A) Bible has many errors identified by pastors and priests and others also. If Bible was inerrant it would not have to be revised every few decades by those human beings who are sinners(according to the definition of Bible, human is sinner)so how can a sinner human improve upon sayings of God? There are many scholars of Bible who doubt the inerrancy of the bible. Here is just one.

Have you read Jeremiah 8:8

Q5) Jesus didn’t call God Elaha, but Abba.

A) Just before crucifixion time Jesus said “Eli Eli lema sabachthani” My God My God why have you forsaken me.

Is Eli ELi sounding similar to Abba Abba or Yahweh Yahweh or God or God or Dios Dios or Ellah Ellah or Allah Allah.

Q6) How come Muhammad who came 600 year latter give an account of the time of Jesus and you say it is true and in Quran?

A) Purpose of all the messengers(prophets)sent from God was to guide people towards God, so they can live in peace with each other. So when Jesus came, he came for none but jews. He said this himself in his earthly life(He never said on his physical stay on earth that I came for non jews) He also said I came to revive the law(because law had been corrupted)Those who say OT is the basis of all Abrahamic faiths then refute the very purpose of coming of Jesus.(Same is acknowledged in Quran)Jesus came and left with his mission of correcting the law unaccomplished. OT was changed (read Jeremiah8:8)and New Testament or Gospel what Jesus himself taught from is not available today. The Mark, Mathew, Luke and John version of Bible were written 50 to 75 years after the ascension of Jesus. What Jesus himself said is written in Quran(what he did not, is not written in Quran because Quran was the book Prophet Muhammad came with and Prophet himself was role model for people to follow(like previous messengers were)Quran was from same one God therefore it has correct version of message from same one God, the sole creator of the universe. Now to follow up on the question those who raise this question should being intellectually investigative read Quran themselve and analyze its claims of being a divine book.

Q9) Islam wants nothing less than annihilation of Jews!

A) This is wrong both in letter and spirit. Even Jews themselve acknowledge that their golden period was in Muslim Spain,not in Christian Spain. When Muslims were subjected to inquest/inquisition i.e. either accept Christianity or get ready to die then when Muslims left ,the Jews followed them and were given refuge in Muslim countries like Egypt,Turkey,Morocco or Algiers etc. There is an article in Jewish chronicle written by Jew scholar about Islam saved Jewry.

Click For The Links.



Q10) How can you say with proof Quran is true and unchanged word of God?

A) Quran is surely the book which is saved word for word from as it was given to prophet Muhammad and as it is today. No change even in coma or full stop. Same for all sects/people ,all places, all times. It is the only divine book that is memorized from cover to cover by over millions of people even today. When prophet Muhammad was given a segment via angel Gabriel, he memorized it, and was written immediately by his companions and memorized by them and then recited out loud at least 5 times a day in prayers so if there was any mistake it could be caught right away by other memorizers. When it was compiled there was no dispute not even on any coma or on full stop .Today in the fasting month of Ramadan whole Quran is recited out loud in prayers and among the attendees are people from all the countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe in big mosques in big cities in USA and no one ever said that Imam read something he didn’t hear before .Quran means only Arabic text while its translations are called translation.

Quran challenges its readers to prove me wrong and even tells ways to do so. Says find in me contradictions because if it was man written then it would have many contradictions.
One point to be cleared is word Quran means Arabic text not its translation which is only called translation of Quran and not Quran!

Q11) was it not that when Quran was compiled in the time of Uthman there were many mistakes, therefore one version was framed and others destroyed.

A) When Islam established itself students started to come from all over the world, from places far enough like Iran, or Uzbekistan or India or Egypt etc and their mother tongue was not Arabic so they were writing parts of Quran with other material like jurisprudence or explanation etc and when these students went back .,during the long travel the material got ripped or damaged due to rain so some had left less and others who had written more on some material ie.,camel hide etc had upon their death had left confusion for their survivors to think this as the Quran. Then there was problem of accent, In Egypt J is pronounced as G and e.g in English word Uthman(Arabic) is read as ottoman while in Urdu as Usman. Now all the three pronounciations are for same one person called Uthman but only uthman should be used.Therefore compilation of Quran in writing was done in time of Uthman caliph who ordered all outside of this copy to be burned. This copy was compiled by all those who were present in time of Prophet Muhammad and with him as his disciples and were local from the same area so no confusion in pronunciation or even dialect. So the Quran you have in your hands today is the same that was taught by Prophet Muhammad. Some critics use the word “under Govt influence” when they say compilation of Quran was done under caliph Uthman time. But they say it because in west the concept of Govt control is no permission of difference of opinion, we see how police deals with people in west, how so many blacks were executed only on suspicion proved to be wrong latter etc. And no one can speak against police brutality neither judicial system, nor electoral system and neither media. This police is just one small organ of the govt and this is 21st century! While In Islam the caliph was fearful of God all the time thinking any mistake may not happen and was afraid how he will have to reply to God on day of Judgement. This feelings can’t be even imagined in west. So those who criticize compilation of Quran with this cover simply don’t know the nature of the govt in times of Caliph.

Q12) Jesus came for all people not just Jews see: Mathew 28:16-20.

A) Jesus himself in his earthly life said :Mathew 15:24 “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”This he said in his earthly life. while Mathew 28:16-20 is a vision which was said to be by 11 disciples after ascension of Jesus and it says some doubted. So if some doubts then whole document is suspicious. We should not forget the case of vision that Paul had who never even met Jesus yet is able to enter his contradictions in Gospel over and above the teachings of Jesus. So what Jesus himself said is preserved in Quran that he came for none but the children of Israel. while Prophet Muhammad came for whole mankind.

Q13) we follow biblical Christianity and you don’t so how can you be right?

A) We (Muslims)surely accept what Jesus himself said and don’t what he didn’t.e,g.he said I came for none but Jews and he never said I am God. we put his sayings and teachings above that of Paul. His sayings and teachings and work is written in Quran. So there are two kind of Christianites “Biblical Christianity” and “Christ taught Christianity” We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Q14) Have not you heard John 3:16.It is so clear.

A) John 3:16 has 3 parts, Jesus is God and he died on cross so who believes enters in heaven. If you analyze grammatically we see that this statement is not of God or he would have said I so loved the world …..and is not from Jesus or it would have read that He gave me that who so ever believes…………………, This statement is not even of John because the gospel says “according to John” doesn’t say by John! And Jesus never said I am GOD.

Q15) you say there are commonalities between Christianity and Islam but we see major differences.

A) The commonalities are on the name of Jesus and his teachings and differences are also due to his teachings. So in reality there is Biblical Christianity which is not reflective of teachings and sayings of Jesus. Jesus never said I am God. He said he came only for Jews and none else. Paul never met him and whether he did meet or not still he had no right to negate the teachings of Jesus.

Q17) Your intention in this presenting of commonalities is to convert to your faith.

A) Islam is the only religion that is inclusive. Allah in Quran says that from among Jews and Christians also are those who will go to heaven(those who believe in one God and do good deeds)God says in Quran if we wanted we would have made everyone Muslim…..God says in Quran to Muslims your job is to present Islam but to make anyone Muslim or not is up to God himself. Islam calls other two Abrahamic faiths as people of the book. If Islam was to convert others on force it had many chances as history tells e.g in Spain Muslims ruled 800 years yet lived as numerical minority and left and today Muslims are not allowed to pray openly .Same in India Muslims ruled India for over 1000 years yet lived as minority and even today same thing. While look at the history of North ,central South America,Australia,New Zealand,Philippines,and many countries of Africa which were only 400 years ago with different faith,different language,cultures,etc and today they all succumbed to the sword of crusaders or western invaders.

Q18) Jesus died for your sins. Is it not easy for you to accept him and then enter kingdom rather than struggle in prayers and worry abut doing good deeds.etc.

A) First Islam teaches Muslims to be responsible for their deeds and for this exercise self control, self restraint. Because without self control and self restraint morality doesn’t come and without morality spirituality doesn’t come and creation and maintenance of spirituality is the goal of any faith and hope for mankind in times of distress and despair. Second it doesn’t appeal how can I let someone else pay my bills!If I sin I should be punished. Third if Jesus had to die for our sins why we were not forgiven in the heaven? Why we had to come on earth. Fourth why God had to sacrifice his innocent son brutally for our sake. Couldn’t he forgive us without this human sacrifice?

Q19) Why Muslims are critical of Paul?

A) Every Christian should be critical of Paul. Paul never met Jesus in his life, and in his life he has been bounty hunter on Christians .Immediately after his ascension Paul joins the inner circle of Jesus which was taken by his disciples like Peter with suspicion. Then Paul negated the teachings of Jesus through entering his contradictions over and above teachings of Jesus. Here is the link.
Jesus said there will be many imposters who will come after me and Bible tells their sign is that they will contradict previous messengers and their teachings. Paul is the one who contradicts teachings of Jesus. While Prophet Muhammad glorified Jesus. Quran acknowledges his work and glorifies him. Quran says “Don’t discriminate among the messengers of Allah” so for Muslim both Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad are on the same page same level of respect. Difference is that Jesus said and Bible says he came for only Jews and none else while Prophet Muhammad says and Quran confirms that he came for whole mankind.

Q20) The crucifixion of Jesus is indisputable fact.

A) Not quite, there are many scholars of Bible who have expressed their suspicion due to the confusion on his crucifixion. He himself said before his ascension “Just like Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of fish so shall son of man(i.e.himself, he didn’t say son of God)will be 3 days and 3 nights away in heart(means deep cave not a mole on earth which could be tomb) of earth. But the timeline of Jesus death is only 1 day and two night. Friday to Sunday morning. Jesus by comparing himself to Jonah tells loudly that I will not die but away from your site while being in “chest of the earth “SO if he didn’t die then where is the resurrection.?

A Harvard educated Methodist pastor Dr.Jerald Dirks wrote a book” The Messiah” available on analyzes the old manuscripts to prove it was not Jesus who was on cross but another person. Same position is taken by Quran.

Q21) what proof you have that Quran is the true unchanged word of God and why you don’t revise it to suit for the present times.

A) Quran is word of God written for all people, all time and all places and therefore it covers everything. It was memorized from day one as it came(it came circumstantially)It was written simultaneously also. If it is revised by the sinning people then it is not the word of God any more.If word of God(commandments) become outdated due to new time or new place or new people then it is not the word of God,because word of God should be good for all people,all times,and all places.
Today there are millions of Muslims who have memorized the entire book cover to cover.
Quran also is based on mathematical symmetry or balance so if you change words ,alter or revise the balance will fall apart .
Here are some examples of the mathematical balance.




Q22)How will you think standing in front of Jesus at the day of judgement if you didn’t believe him as we do?

A) Islam teaches us that at day of Judgement messengers of God will be standing with their followers. But an interesting statement needs to be analyzed. Jesus himself said before ascension about his second coming in Mathew 7:21-26.Here Jesus says people will come to me and say oh Master didn’t we not take out demons on your name and healed others. This they will say this to get favor from him. And I (Jesus) will say get away form me you lawless people I don’t even know you.
It is to be seen that the only people who will come to him will be Priests and Pastors who did this in his name. Yet he says you lawless people I don’t even know you. Why because they are not his flock(they are not jews as he said I came for none but the Jews)or why he says you lawless people? Or Is it because those Pastors or priests are not following
“Christ taught Christianity” but are following” Biblical Christianity”? You have to think about this.
For more Questions on Islam. Contact Here or Click Here.

Q23:Islam bases itself on good deeds alone for salvation while christianity bases on forgivness by God(Jesus)

A) Christianity also stresses equally on the good deeds, Read in book of James where it says faith without good work is in vain. Quran says forgiveness, yes is needed from God for salvation but to prove our sincerity to his commandments we have to compete with each other in doing good deeds. Good deeds require one to sacrifice, to self control, self restrain and these are necessary for morality to build and for spirituality to come as a results.Doing good deeds with responsibility makes society a better place where we feel the sufferings of homeless and try to help them where we feel that elderly need our help and we try to reach them with questions how can we help you.Doing good deeds are the teachings of every messenger of God.

Q24)Both Jews and Christians believe that it was Isaac that was offered for sacrifice while Muslims believe that it was Ismael.How can you support this.And the covenant was sealed with offer of sacrifice of Isaac.

A) So when the covenant was made and sealed (circumcision and sacrifice) Abraham was ninety nine and Ishmael thirteen years old. Isaac was born a year later when Abraham was a hundred years. The descendants of Ishmael, Prophet Muhammad (PBUT),including all Muslims, remain faithful until today this covenant of circumcision. In their prayers at least five times a day the Muslims include the praise of Abraham and his descendants with the praise of Muhammad (PBUH) and his descendants.
The details on this topic are in chapter “Muhammad in the bible” on page 51 small booklet by Dr.Bagel,name ” Muslim Christian dialogue” and here is the link.


A) Halal meat is a way of preparation of meat that is healthy, fresh and tasty for consumer and also humane for the animal.
A halal meat is prepared by draining the blood out of the animal during slaughter. This is done by cutting the jugular vein. Blood contains toxins, virus, germs ,cholesterol and triglycerides. If you get a pound of regular meat from supermarket and put in one room and a pound of halal meat and put in another after few hours come back the regular meat will be stinking. Halal meats remains fresh for longer time and tastes better. It also is free of cholesterol and triglycerides so is recommended to heart patients and those with high lipids(cholesterol and triglycerides)
It is humane to the animal as when jugular vein is cut, blood pressure drops and glucose and oxygen level drops so animal faints then goes in anesthesia and then in deep anesthesia. Thus doesn’t feel pain(Like Euthanasia)
As animal dies in fainting so doesn’t release adrenaline that regular meat has which mostly is prepared by a jerk death to animal on his spine. Also the animal is well fed, free to be around for sometimes, and not caged, and not to witness the slaughter of another animal like in assembly line. This also is on one hand humane and respectful of animal rights but also prevents animal to release adrenaline. Both Kosher and Halal are blood free meat but Halal is much lesser in price. Because jews don’t eat the back of the animal so the price is covered from the front of the animal. The proof that you bought halal meat is that after making small pieces of big chunk of meat, there is no drop of blood seen. More info can be watched on The Deen Show halal food in youtube area.

Q 26) What is Islam, tell in a paragraph.

A) Islam is religion of all the prophets from Adam to Muhammad as it means belief and worship of one God without partners and doing good deeds through self control, sacrificing and sharing which is therefore strong on moral incentive. Muslims don’t consider themselves chosen people nor forgiven people but accountable people.
Islam is the only inclusive religion, Muslims believe in all the prophets of both testaments. Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of Islam. He said he carried the work of Jesus ,as Jesus said he came to carry on the work of Moses.
Prophet Muhammad is taken as role model who lived his life according to Quran.

Q 27) What is Quran, please tell in a paragraph.

A) Quran is the divine book ,latest road map for mankind to follow.
Quran is same as in the time of prophet Muhammad, memorized and written in his life time, in museum and everywhere in the world.
It is the same for all the sects, geographical location and time.
Quran is the only book that is memorized by millions from cover to cover. Repeating it from memory daily by Muslims in prayers is done.
Quran is word of God(word of prophet is called Hadith)While reading it the questions raised in mind are found in next page by the reader.
while reading it one feels that God is talking with you in first person present.
Quran has mention of name of all the prophets in both testaments, Jesus is mentioned 25 times.
Quran has a chapter on the name of Mary mother of Jesus who is written as the most respectable woman. But Quran has no mention of any woman in the family of Prophet Muhammad(If the author of Quran was Muhammad his family members’ names would have been in it).
To Get More Info About Islam Click Here.

Q28: Why do muslims have to pray 5 times a day ,why only once is not enough?

A) If I ask you why you don’t eat once daily instead of 3 times a day? You can say because glucose level to remain optimum it requires one to eat 3 times a day. Similarly man is attacked by evil temptations evil desires all the time when he is awake. So praying 5 times a day is a break form materialism of the world temptations of Satan and is to charge the battery of spirituality.

Q29:Can you tell us some prayers from Quran which are authentic?

There are many beautiful and practical prayers God taught man in Quran.
Some for our daily life are helpful e.g.

A)when something is lost read this in Arabic and sincerely ask ALLAH to help you find it..

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un Meaning

Arabic ِإِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Transliteration Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
Meaning “Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.”
Source Quran 2:156


B)WHile feeling danger from evil men,evil places or jins while traveling alone read "Ayat ul Kursi" in Arabic with faith in Allah's might.

Ayatul Kursi Transliteration:

Allahu laaa ilaaha illaa huwal haiyul qai-yoom; laa taakhuzuhoo sinatunw wa laa nawm; lahoo maa fissamaawaati wa maa fil ard; man zallazee yashfa’u indahooo illaa be iznih; ya’lamu maa baina aideehim wa maa khalfahum; wa laa yuheetoona beshai ‘immin ‘ilmihee illa be maa shaaaa; wasi’a kursiyyuhus samaa waati wal arda wa la ya’ooduho hifzuhumaa; wa huwal aliyyul ‘azeem.


This verse is ayah 255 from Surah Baqarah commonly referred to as Ayatul Kursi (meaning “The Throne”). It is likely the most well known ayat across the entire Ummah, estimation is that hundreds of million of people know it by heart. It would more difficult to find a believing Muslim who doesn’t know Ayatul Kursi than one who does. This is something you really can’t say about many other verses from the Quran.

C)Every human suffers from the jealous people and their evil jealousies,hatred and therefore their is one Surah to protect against it and that is Surah al falaq.One should read it daily for protection from the evil of others.

Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.

قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ

Qul a’uzoo bi rabbil-falaq
1. Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak

مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ

Min sharri ma khalaq
2. From the evil of that which He created

وَمِنْ شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ

Wa min sharri ghasiqin iza waqab
3. And from the evil of darkness when it settles

وَمِنْ شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ

Wa min sharrin-naffaa-saati fil ‘uqad
4. And from the evil of the blowers in knots

وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ

Wa min shar ri haasidin iza hasad
5. And from the evil of an envier when he envies.”

Beautiful duas-73 Prayers from the Quran ( Arabic,English Translation & Transliteration) - YouTube